Newly-extended runway at Miramichi Airport now open for cargo service
MIRAMICHI (GNB) – A 3,045 metre (10,006 ft.) runway is now officially open for cargo service at the Miramichi Airport.

Southwest Miramichi MLA Jake Stewart; Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Robert Trevors; Premier David Alward; Gerry Cormier, Mayor of Miramichi; Thomas Linkletter, chair of the Miramichi Airport Commission; and Miramichi Bay-Neguac MLA Serge Robichaud.
“Investing in local economic development priorities is a key part of our plan to rebuild New Brunswick’s economy and create jobs in the Miramichi,” said Premier David Alward. “The local community identified investment in this runway as its top priority for economic development, and our government is pleased to partner in a project that will assist the airport commission in promoting the facility as an air cargo facility.”
The provincial government provided $500,000 towards the strategic infrastructure project at the airport, which included upgrading and extending the airport’s main runway as well as lighting and navigational system upgrades to improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of the airport.
“After three years of hard work and patience I am pleased to see the 10,006 ft. runway open for business,” said Thomas Linkletter, chair of the Miramichi Airport Commission .“The runway is a tremendous asset for the entire province of New Brunswick as it is critically needed moving forward. A special thanks to Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Robert Trevors and Premier Alward for their ongoing support of this Strategic Infrastructure Project. ”
The City of Miramichi provided a $500,000 loan guarantee towards the improvement project and the Miramichi Airport Commission provided $100,000. The commission was created in 1974 as a non-profit organization to manage the day-to-day operations of the airport and to create an air cargo transportation hub.